How do I find out how many incidents are created by a given correlation rule?

  • 3576748
  • 25-Sep-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
RedHat Linux
Sun Solaris 9
Novell Sentinel 5.1.x
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9


How can I find out how many incidents are created by a specific correlation rule?


From an sql prompt:

sql> select count(*), events.rt2
from events, evt_agent, incidents_events, incidents
where events.agent_id = evt_agent.agent_id
and ('W' or'C')
and incidents_events.evt_id = events.evt_id
and incidents.inc_id = incidents_events.inc_id
group by events.rt2;