Cluster event log does not get updated

  • 3567961
  • 20-Nov-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Cluster Services version 1.8
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 5


The cluster event log is not updating properly. We tried ConsoleOne and NRM and the result is the same. Downing the cluster and rebooting the nodes did not help. Nor did recreating the SBD cluster partition.


The cluster event log is actually stored on the SBD partition starting at sector 65. It uses the free space on the partition (space that isn't used for cluster split brain monitoring). We store the log as a list with a head and tail pointer. We found the the load order in the LDNCS.NCF file was incorrect which was causing the log to not get initialized properly. We corrected the load order problem and the log started working as it should.