Novell GroupWise 7
Microsoft Windows 2003
Microsoft Windows 2003
Microsoft Windows XP SP2
Can't Install the Agents or Administration files on Windows 2003
Install brings up the Software License Agreement - click Yes to accept it and then install exits.
Windows 2003 Event Viewer shows Install.exe causes an Application Error in an unknown module.
Faulting application install.exe, version, faulting module unknown version address 0x00920f38
Install brings up the Software License Agreement - click Yes to accept it and then install exits.
Windows 2003 Event Viewer shows Install.exe causes an Application Error in an unknown module.
Faulting application install.exe, version, faulting module unknown version address 0x00920f38
Starting the GroupWise Client may report the following Error:
Cannot start GroupWise client ERROR unhandled win32 exception occurred in grpwise.exe
Cannot start GroupWise client ERROR unhandled win32 exception occurred in grpwise.exe
From the Windows 2003 server Right Click My Computer | Properties | Choose the Advanced tab | Performance Settings | Choose the Data Execution Prevention tab | Here you have the option to Turn on DEP for essentional Windows programs and services only. OR to Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select: Using either option will allow install complete.
For additional information Select "How does it work?" from the Performance Settings | Data Exection Prevention tab. Or, see the Microsoft article on "Changes to Functionality in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2." http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/sp2mempr.mspx
Additional Information
Windows 2003 is preventing untrusted EXEs from launching.
Formerly known as TID# 10100912
Formerly known as TID# 10100912