Novell eDirectory
Error: " -629" is received when trying to delete a
The container still has objects underneath it.
At times it is needed to delete an entire subtree of an
eDirectory database. eDirectory by default generates a -629 error
when trying to delete an object that contains child objects.
WARNING: Make sure that your eDirectory tree is backed
A Java LDAP browser has the built in functionality to perform
this operation.
By default the delete child object is unchecked. Check it when
you choose to delete the desired container and all child objects.
This can be done by highlighting the object in question withing the
ldap browser and choosing the edit menu option and then the delete
entry task.
If the above tool is no longer available, check to see if
iMonitor has this functionality. When this document was authored,
iMonitor did not have this functionality. However, an enhancement
request has been submitted for a future release of iMonitor to
contain this option.
Another alternative would be to generate and LDIF export of
the base object and it's child objects. Then manipulate the LDIF
file to delete the most leaf objects first, working your way up the
tree to the base object that is the desired object to be deleted
with it's child objects.