Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 32 bit Client
When changing a previous posted appointment, note of tasked from text view to HTML view the
information is content of message is being lost.
This has been resolved in GroupWise 7 Support Pack 3
Additional Information
Steps to duplicate:
1) start your windows GroupWise client
2) check under tools, options, environment, views if your default compose view
is plain text. If not, do so and click on OK.
3) select your calendar
4) create a posted appointment and post this appointment.
5) double click on the posted appointment. Now you can change this message.
Under view select HTML. The old message will be lost.
6) repeat the same action with posted task and posted note.
If you try to do this with a normal appointment, you have to resend the
complete appointment. If you then change from plain text to HTML, the content
of the message stays.