Howto reimport Access Gateway metadata

  • 3558981
  • 13-Apr-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Access Management 3 Linux Access Gateway
Novell Access Management 3 Access Administration
Novell Access Management 3 Netware Access Gateway
Novell Access Management 3 Linux Novell Identity Server


Whenever the Access Gateway metadata changes, the changes need to be reimported to be reflected at the Identity server. For example, if any of the Access Gateway 'Reverse Proxies / Authentication' field change and either the 'Embedded Service Provider' or 'Authentication Settings' change, these changes will need to get pushed to the IDP server. Failure to do this will mist likely result in the Access Gateway not being able to redirect the authentication request to the Identity server when accelerating a protected resource. The users symptoms will be that a snippet of the expected login page will be displayed (top half) and no fields will be presented to the user for their crdentials.


To reimport the metadata for the Access Gateway/Identity server relationship, you will need to do the following:

1. Go to the Access Gateway -> Edit TAB in iManager
2. Select the 'Reverse Proxies / Authentication' field
3. Under 'Authentication Settings', set the 'Identity Server Configuration:' from the current setting to NONE
4. save and apply the changes, making sure that all was applied successfully
5. Go back to this 'Authentication Settings' ->'Identity Server Configuration:' field and set it back to the Identity server configuration from NONE
6. save and apply the changes, making sure that all was applied successfully
7. Go to the Identity server configuration in iManager and stop and start the services
8. make sure that the Access Gateway device has an entry under the Identity server Configuration -> Liberty -> Service Provider tab in the iManager IDP config.