The selected server is already configured as a VPN Server

  • 3553408
  • 18-Jul-2007
  • 29-May-2012


Novell BorderManager 3.8
Novell NetWare 5.1
Novell NetWare 6
Novell NetWare 6.5


The selected server is already configured as a VPN Server
When trying to configure S2S in iManager, when selecting the server the above error will show up.


1. Go to server console and type stopvpn

2. Go to Console One, select the BorderManager server object, right click, extensions of this object, and delete the vpnServerAuxClass.

3. Go to server console and type startvpn.

Now you will be able to configure the server

Additional Information

Server has been previously configured in S2S profile and then remove it but the server attribute vpnServerAuxClass still has the old information

Formerly known as TID# 10088960