WorkAround to define Active Directory fields not seen within the AD task in the ZAM Manager GUI

  • 3550132
  • 14-Dec-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Asset Management 3.3 - ZAM3.3
Novell ZENworks Asset Management 7 - ZAM7
Novell ZENworks 7.5 Asset Management - ZAM7.5


WorkAround to define Active Directory fields not seen within the AD task in the ZAM Manager GUI


If anADFilter.Iniexists, and includes disabled=yes, then no filtering is done, and the includes and excludes don't apply at all.
So typically, if you just want to show another few fields, you want that line commented out (';' at the start) - you want the filtering applied, you just want to include some more fields in the filter.
If the AD fields you want added are in AD objects other than computer or user, then they probably need to add a "class=" to include the AD object with the desired fields. If the fields are in computer or user, which we normally look at, then they only need to add the "prop=" bit to specify the field.
LDAP properties filtering:
Normally, the LDAP import UI will show only a limited selection of"interesting" LDAP objects and properties from the huge number that exist.

This default can be overridden with a file,
ADFilter.Ini, in the manager \bin directory. Uncommenting"disabled=yes" will show all of the LDAP objects and properties. You have to exit the manager, make changes and restart it to have the new settings read. Here is a sample file that adds the various operating system
values that you can see in the ADUC UI:
;remove the leading semicolons from, e.g. "disabled=yes" to disable filtering