Microsoft Internet Explorer
Additional Information
Link to documentation : https://www.novell.com/documentation/lg/nw6p/index.html?page=/documentation/lg/nw6p/netstor/data/h9izvdye.html
- Persistent Cookies
The Persistent Cookies setting can be turned either on or off. With the value set to 0, Persistent Cookies is turned off. Persistent Cookies is turned on (the default) if there is no value or the value is set to anything other than 0.
With Persistent Cookies turned off, the NetStorage session will end when the user closes the current browser or Web folder. Also, if the user has a current instance of NetStorage up in a browser window or web folder and starts up a new browser instance or web folder, the user will be required to re-authenticate.
Turning off Persistent Cookies can be beneficial if you have workstations that are shared because as long as the browser instance is closed down, the next user of the workstation cannot accidently or intentionally obtain access to your network through NetStorage.
Leaving Persistent Cookies turned on can be beneficial if your workstations are not shared because it prevents users from having to unnecessarily re-authenticate.
If the user selects the Logout option in NetStorage, the NetStorage session will end regardless of whether Persistent Cookies is turned on or off.
Formerly known as TID# 10078105