The following enhancements have been added since the previous major release of the Exchange Gateway:
The Exchange Gateway has been updated to match GroupWise 6. x and 7. x functionality in several areas, including the ConsoleOne® snap-ins.
Microsoft Exchange 2000 and 2003 are supported in addition to Exchange 5.5. x.
The Exchange Gateway can run as a Windows* service as well as an application.
You can configure TCP/IP links between the Exchange Gateway and the MTA
Busy Search works for both GroupWise users and Exchange users with Exchange 2000/2003
Internet-style addressing is supported.
SNMP is supported, so that the Exchange Gateway can be monitored from SNMP management and monitoring programs.
- A Web console is provided, so that the Exchange Gateway can be monitored from any location where you have access to a Web browser and the Internet.
- Some Great new startup switches:
- /displaynamelastfirst Formats the names of GroupWise users as LastName, FirstName in the Exchange Address Book. The default is FirstName LastName
- /noreadreceipt Suppresses the prompt for sending Outlook read receipts for GroupWise messages, while allowing the read receipt feature in Outlook to work normally for non-GroupWise messages.
/useimportcontainer Causes the Exchange Gateway to synchronize GroupWise users into the import container specified in the object properties of the Exchange Gateway’s connector object.
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10066291