Novell Apache on NetWare
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
This document lists the basic Apache commands for stopping and
starting the Apache web server.
Command | OS | Description |
/etc/init.d/novell-httpd stop | OES Linux | Stops the web service |
/etc/init.d/novell-httpd start | OES Linux | Starts the web service |
rcapache2 stop | OES11 | Stops the web service |
rcapache2 start | OES11 | Starts the web service |
rcapache2 stop | OES 2 | Stops the web service |
rcapache2 start | OES 2 | Starts the web service |
rcapache2 stop | OES Linux SP2 / SLES | Stops the web service |
rcapache2 start | OES Linux SP2 / SLES | Starts the web service |
AP2WEBDN | NetWare 6.5 | Stops the web service |
AP2WEBUP | NetWare 6.5 | Starts the web service |
ADMSRVUP | NetWare 6.5 | Starts the admin web service (:2200 port) |
ADMSRVDN | NetWare 6.5 | Stops the admin web service (:2200 port) |
NVDAXMUP | NetWare 6.0 | Start the admin web service (:2200 port) |
NVXADMDN | NetWare 6.0 | Stop the admin web service (:2200 port) |