Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise Remote Client
"Hit the Road" does not work for a specific user
"Hit the Road" does not work for a specific user
Synchronization seems to complete but the Remote Mailbox is empty
Unable to create Remote Mailbox for one user
Corrective Actions:
1. Logout from the user account
2. Browse to the Post Office Directory\ofuser
1. Logout from the user account
2. Browse to the Post Office Directory\ofuser
3. Rename userxxx.db to userxxx.old for that user (xxx is the FID of the user)
4. Run GWCheck from SDD\Admin\Utility\GWCHECK
5. Database Type - Post Office | Database Path - PathToThePostOfficeDirectory | Post Office Name - Name of the Post Office
6. Object Type - User/Resource
7. Please type "userxxx.db" without quotes in User/Resource
6. Object Type - User/Resource
7. Please type "userxxx.db" without quotes in User/Resource
8. Action - Structural Rebuild
9. Click Run. It should give an error 26
10. Login with the Problem User. This should create a blank user database with no mails in the mailbox
11. Swap the old user database with the new user database in the Post Office Directory\ofuser directory
12. Login as the user and click on Tools | Hit the Road