Migrating data from Netware Traditional/NSS Volumes to OES2

  • 3523046
  • 14-Dec-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 5.1
Novell NetWare 6.0
Novell NetWare 6.5
Novell Open Enterprise Server 1 (OES1) Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES2) Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES2) Netware


Migrating data from Netware 5.1 SP8 Traditional Volumes to OES 2 Linux with NSS Volumes.
This procedure is the same for NSS (Netware 6.X/OES 1) to OES 2 NSS Volumes.


- on NW51 SP8:

1- Use the latest tsa500.nlm available;
2- check volume name space. All name spaces should be loaded on the volumes that data will be migrated to;
For example, the below traditional volume in NW51SP8 is called DATA so, the following entries must be loaded when using command"volumes":

Mounted Volumes Name Spaces Flags

The below procedure explains how to load all the name spaces entries in your Netware Server
load mac
load nfs
add name space mac volume_name
add name space nfs volume_name

Then, run again command "volumes" in nw51sp8 server to make sure that all name spaces were loaded for that specific volume that is going to be migrated.
3- Now, load smdr and tsa500.nlm (i.e: load tsa500) because they are NOT loaded by default;

- on OES2 Linux:

1- Restart smdr on OES2 linux using command "rcnovell-smdr restart" as root user;
2- Create a list of files and associated rights on the source volume:
mls -s source_server_ipaddress -v VOL1 > mls.yaml
3- Map the trustees and home directories from the source server to the destination server:
maptrustees -s source_server_ipaddress -D cn=NEW-SERVER,o=mycompany mls.yaml > maptrustees.yaml
4- Migrate the information generated in the previous step:
migtrustees -d destination_server_ipaddress -m maptrustees.yaml
5- Migrate the data from your Traditional Volume on your Nw51SP8 to NSS Volume on OES2 using the following command:
migfiles -ns source_server_ipaddress -iv TraditionalVolumeNW51SP8 -V NSSVolumeOES2

Additional Information

Moreover, the OES2 Migration doc contains all the information about how to migrate files from a Netware/OES1 to OES2.
Please, check the below web link:
Feel free to skip steps 2 through 4 described above in OES 2 session in case the trustees are being restored using another backup/restore method.
In addition, if Nw51 sp8 has NDS 8.85C, YAST DOESN'T work to migrate files because it is not able to authenticate in nds 8.85C on ports 389 and/or 636 but migfiles works fine. So, nds must be updated to eDir 873.3 to be able to migrate files through YAST. Remember that migfiles works with both versions (nds or eDir).