Novell GroupWiuse 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 7
Print Calendar printout wastes paper when large number of calendar
items are present
Print Calendar printout has 2+ blank lines between items
Print Calendar printout at times also does not have even 1 blank line between items
Print Calendar Printout not consistant, items run together also, hard to read
Print Calendar printout has 2+ blank lines between items
Print Calendar printout at times also does not have even 1 blank line between items
Print Calendar Printout not consistant, items run together also, hard to read
This problem has been duplicated in house and has been reported to
GroupWise development.
1. Have a full calendar in GW 6.5 or GW 7. Tasks , Notes,
2. In the GW client click on File, Print Calendar
3. FORMAT is Week, Available Forms is Multi-Week
4. On the CONTENT tab click on the Message radio button
for Appointments, Tasks, and Notes.
5. Click on the Print button and you will find the print
out to have 2+ blank lines between some items, it is NOT
consistant, some items have not blank lines and some have up to 3
or 4 or more. The customer reporting this has a staff of about 25
people and the president of the university has a huge calendar for
years ahead. Each week the staff has a meeting with the President
to go over which calendar items are important , each of the 25
users must have a copy of the print out. It prints out because of
this to be about 1" thick. It wastes paper and is hard to
The customer is aware that you can have lines printed
between the items but they do not want that.
6. The extra blank lines on the printout betweent he
calendar items are not as the result of extra blank lines in the
message body of the calendar item.
NOTE: The problem occurs in GW 6.5 sp2, sp3, and sp4 and
sp5 and GW 7. The problem does not occur in GW 6.5 sp1 ( 7-11-03
client 32 build )
New Information: A customer reported that the problem also occurs in GW 6.5 sp6. GroupWise 6.5 is no longer being developed so if the problem occurs in the current version GroupWise 7.0.1 and beyond then we can try to address this in that version.
New Information: A customer reported that the problem also occurs in GW 6.5 sp6. GroupWise 6.5 is no longer being developed so if the problem occurs in the current version GroupWise 7.0.1 and beyond then we can try to address this in that version.
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10097855