Novell NetWare 6.5
Novell NFS Gateway for NetWare 6.5
While running NFS Gateway, the NetWare server experiences a CPU Hog abend. This could occur in a variety of threads.
Most commonly it is in a Server thread, but has also been seen in threads owned by CIFSPROX.NLM and OWCIMOMD.NLM. Often the stack suggests that NSS Spinlock issues are contributing to the CPU hog issue.
It is also conceivable that this situation would manifest itself as a server hang or high utilization.
Several fixes have been made in NFS Gateway for these abends, plus other issues which might result in"hangs". Based on testing at customer sites, it is believed that these issues are resolved. The updates are available in 2 forms:
1. Use NetWare 6.5 SP7, and NFS Gateway SP5, plus NSS update n65nss7b.zip, plus NFS Gateway update nfsgy657b.zip. See the "Issues" section of nfsgy657b readme for some new configuration instructions.
2. Use NetWare 6.5 SP8, plus NFS Gateway SP6, plus NSS update n65nss8a.zip (or *8b.zip), plus NFS Gateway udpate nfsgy658a.zip (or *8b.zip). See the "Issues" section of nfsgy658x readme for some new configuration instructions.
If updates cannot yet be applied, or if they are already applied and the configuration has been adjusted, but this type of abend happens anyway, try the following:
Edit the GYSTART.NCF file. On each NFSGY or GYMOUNT command line, make sure -logNonVerbose is set (rather than -logVerbose) and set -logLevel 0 to disable logging.