Unable to see the attachment when the mail comes through the "Exploder List"

  • 3511706
  • 29-Feb-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 1a
Novell GroupWise 7 Support Pack 3 Beta


Unable to see the attachment when the mail comes through the "Exploder List"
If the same email is sent to GMAIL/YAHOO/EXCHANGE, the attachment is visible


Reported to Engineering

It is possible to make the attachment visible in GroupWise by changing "multipart/related" to "multipart/mixed" in the mime.822 of that email and reprocessing the mime.822 file using GWIA


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

The FRCC Exploder Lists are created through a third party called KTEK. The
KTEK list is created and members are added to the list. Whenever an email is
sent to an Exploder List through KTEK, it allows the members of that list to
respond to each other through email. The difference between an Exploder List
and a regular Outlook email list is that an Exploder List is owned by anyone
who receives the message, while an Outlook list is only owned by whoever
created and sent the original email.