GWIA connects to local host on outbound email

  • 3510924
  • 09-Oct-2006
  • 16-Mar-2012


Novell GroupWise GWIA
Novell GroupWise GWIA 7


Error 550 relaying denied
Error 550
Outbound email not delivered
Outbound email sent to local host


Reported to development. The fix is in GroupWise 7 Support Pack 1 or later.
Note: A noted workaround that may help to resolve this issue:
Set the GWIA to bind exclusively to one of the addresses on the server. 
To do this go to the ConsoleOne:
1.  Select properties of the GWIA
2.  Select the GroupWise tab
3.  Choose Network address page
4.  Check the box to bind exclusive, this will bind the GWIA to a particular address on the server.  The TCP/IP address should be listed here as well.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

With some addresses the GWIA will try to deliver the message to the local host ( and not to the receivers mail host. The GWIA log files will show the following information.

09:08:49 2F6 DMN: MSG 2223189 Accepted connection: [] (loopback)
09:08:49 2D2 DMN: MSG 2223161 Connected to x.x.x.x
09:08:49 2F6 DMN: MSG 2223189 Receiving file: SINCLAIR/ADMIN:\ADMIN\WPGATE\PRV-MH\receive\120b8534.140
09:08:49 2F6 DMN: MSG 2223189 Will not relay: (
09:08:49 2D2 DMN: MSG 2223161 Send Failure: 550 Relaying denied
09:08:49 2F6 DMN: MSG 2223189 Will not relay: (
09:08:49 2D2 DMN: MSG 2223161 Send Failure: 550 Relaying denied
09:08:49 2D2 DMN: MSG 2223161 SMTP session ended: x.x.x.x
09:08:49 2F6 DMN: MSG 2223189 SMTP session ended:

Formerly known as TID# 10099577