Novell Identity Manager 3.0
Novell Identity Manager 3.5
Novell Identity Manager
Novell Identity Manager Designer
By default regular expression pattern matching in Identity Manager
(IDM) policy is case insensitive. To override this it is
possible to include a special flag in the pattern itself to force
the match to be case-sensitive. That flag should be '(?-i)'
(without the single-quotes) and when placed at the beginning of the
pattern it makes the rest of the pattern case sensitive. This
functionality is mentioned in the Sun Java documentation.
Versions of Java < 1.6.0_02 are affected by this bug. A
defect was entered against Java to fix this and that fix has been
released. Currently (2007-07-20) Identity Manager and its
various components ship, by default, with the 1.4.x or 1.5.x Java
environments and, as such, will not have this feature working as it
should. A work-around is to disable not only the
case-insensitive flag but also the unicode-case flag (see the Java
Pattern class for details). To do this use the
instead of
With this done the pattern matching will be case insensitive. Novell Identity Manager Designer's simulator is also affected as it uses the same Java environment as the engine and, without the fixed Java version, requires the same work-around.
instead of
With this done the pattern matching will be case insensitive. Novell Identity Manager Designer's simulator is also affected as it uses the same Java environment as the engine and, without the fixed Java version, requires the same work-around.
Additional Information
Sun bugs related to this issue: