Upgrading to ZENworks Patch Management Update Server version 6.4

  • 3497085
  • 03-Dec-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Patch Management 6.4 - ZPM6.4


This TID details the steps required to upgrade the ZPM Update Server (PLUS) to version 6.4.

Applies To: ZENworks Patch Management Update Server 6.3, 6.4


The upgrade path to version 6.4 depends on the current Operating System that the local ZPM Update Server (PLUS) is installed on, the version of the database being used, and the current version of PLUS.

Prerequisite OS / Database check
To make sure the ZPM server is at the correct OS and Database for the 6.4 upgrade, follow the steps in PatchLinks Knowledgebase Article 500.

New Installs
  1. Install Novell ZENworks 7 Patch Management, powered by PatchLink Update 6.4
    https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=C9dVCxzo5YI~ (
  2. Apply Novell ZENworks Patch Management Server 6.4 P2
    Found in TID 5006902
  3. Apply Novell ZENworks Patch Management Server Update for Agent 6.4 P2 Rev2
    Found in TID
Upgrade Installs
  1. Install Novell ZENworks 7 Patch Management, powered by PatchLink Update 6.4
    https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=C9dVCxzo5YI~ (ZEN_PatchMgmt6.4.iso)
  2. Deploy the"B - Novell ZENworks Patch Management Server 6.4 P-2 (Rev 2)” from the ZENworks Patch Management Web Console.
  3. Deploy the"B - Novell ZENworks Patch Management Server Update for Agent 6.4 P-2 (Rev 2)" from the ZENworks Patch Management Web Console.
  4. Deploy the"C - Novell ZENworks Patch Management Agent Upgrade for Windows from 6.0 or higher to (Rev 2)” to upgrade your existing Agents to the latest version from the ZENworks Patch Management Web Console.

Change Log

22-Feb-2010  tgordon  Added name of ISO at link
01-July-2009  tgordon  Updated formating for the New and Upgrade sections.