Novell Audit 2.0.2 Secure Logging Server
Lengine is unable to start with the following error:
Driver lgdjava.dll failed to load from Error 2
This is caused by the Environment Variable not being set properly.
Driver lgdjava.dll failed to load from
This is caused by the Environment Variable not being set properly.
Steps to Resolve:
1. Right click My Computer and click on Properties.
2. Click on the Advanced Tab.
3. Click on Environment Variables.
4. Highlight PATH in the System Variables, and click Edit.
5. Add the path to jvm.dll to the end of the path statement.
Example: ;C:\program files\java\j2re1.4.2_05\bin\client **
1. Right click My Computer and click on Properties.
2. Click on the Advanced Tab.
3. Click on Environment Variables.
4. Highlight PATH in the System Variables, and click Edit.
5. Add the path to jvm.dll to the end of the path statement.
Example: ;C:\program files\java\j2re1.4.2_05\bin\client **
Additional Information
** Don't forget the Semi-Colon!