How to get IP To Country Mapping to work in Sentinel Mapping Service?

  • 3468233
  • 06-Jul-2006
  • 25-May-2012


Sentinel and above
Mapping Service


IP To Country Mapping with Sentinel Mapping Service


1. Download and extract the IpToCountry.csv to the ESEC_HOME directory on the machine where DAS is installed.

In a browser, go to the above link, scroll down to near the bottom right of the website and click on the link to "Download the Entire Database". You'll be downloading a compressed file which contains the source IpToCountry.csv file.

2. Open a command line and change directories to ESEC_HOME.

3. Run the following command:

"%ESEC_JAVA_HOME%\java" -cp "%ESEC_HOME%\lib\ccsapp.jar" IpToCountry.csv

Solaris, Linux:
$ESEC_JAVA_HOME/java -cp $ESEC_HOME/lib/ccsapp.jar IpToCountry.csv

The above command will create a file in the %ESEC_HOME% directory called IpToCountry.csv.range

4. Copy the file IpToCountry.csv.range to the %ESEC_HOME%\sentinel\bin\map_data (Windows), $ESEC_HOME/sentinel/bin/map_data (Solaris, Linux) directory

5. Remove the file called IpToCountry.csv in the %ESEC_HOME%\sentinel\bin\map_data (Windows), $ESEC_HOME/sentinel/bin/map_data (Solaris, Linux)) directory

6. Rename the file IpToCountry.csv.range in the directory %ESEC_HOME%\sentinel\bin\map_data (Windows), $ESEC_HOME/sentinel/bin/map_data (Solaris, Linux) directory to IpToCountry.csv

The mapping service will detect that you've updated the IpToCountry map and send the data out to the Agent Managers to be mapped into events.