Novell NetMail
Novell NetMail 3.5.2
Cannot Save settings for multiple monitored queues in NetMail
SMTP agent.
Adding multiple Monitored queues in WebAdmin | SMTP agent |
Monitored Queues tab will not allow setting to be saved.
This issue has been reported to Development at Messaging
Architects. They are currently working on a resolution to
this issue. Please note two workarounds below.
Work Around #1:
1) Using ConsoleOne browse to and Expand the Internet Services
Container In NDS
2) Highlight the Messaging Server Object.
3) Go to the properties of the SMTP Agent
4) Go to other tab and select Novonyx:NMAP Queue Server
5) Click the Add button
6) Using the browse button find | select and add the
additional NMAP agents you desire.
Work Around #2
1) Use NWAdmin with NetMail 3.1 snapins (snapins are
2) Go to Properties of the SMTP Agent
3) Go to Monitored Queues tab
4) Add additional NMAP Agents and save
Additional Information
For more configuration information on this topic see link
Administration Guide
Under the Section: Setting up You Messaging Agent |
Configuring the SMTP Agent.