Retrieving files from a DOS partition within VMWare

  • 3460978
  • 16-Jul-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare
VMWare Workstation 5.5.2
VMWare Command Line Tools
VMWare DOS Tools


In the event of a crashed NetWare server as a VMWare guest where file access is not possible, there may be a requirement to retrieve files from the DOS partition. This is in light of the host server not having a floppy drive available, or where remote access is needed.


VMWare command line tools for DOS are available:

(This link is provided as a courtesy. Novell is not responsible for, and does not endorse in any way, the content of external internet sites.)

Ensure the DOS tools (VMFTP) are copied to the DOS partition, for example, C:\DRDOS\
[These need to be in place before any crash]

1) Create a VMWare shared folder
VM Settings > Options > Shared Folders > [create folder on host]

2) Boot server to DOS, either using it's existing DOS partition or a boot CD

3) Run VMFTP from DOS

4) Setup local directory path, for example, LCD C:\NWSERVER\
[Enter LCD to confirm]

5) Setup remote directory, for example, CD /VMSHARE
[Enter PWD to confirm]

6) Create empty file on host and give full access to file (777 on a Linux host)
[Example filename: DOSLOG.TXT]

7) Transfer file from guest to host

8) The guest file LOGGER.TXT will then transfer to the hosts file DOSLOG.TXT
All the steps are usual FTP commands, apart from step 6.