Microsoft IIS
Microsoft Active Directory
Additional Information
With regard to IIS, the usual cause is the iFolderServerRoot does not exist. The installation process of iFolder requests the"Local iFolder User Database Path" from the the administrator performing the installation. This defaults to "C:\iFolder". The"Local iFolder User Database Path" field in the installation process will be saved to the iFolderServerRoot registry entry, located in the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\W3SVC\iFolderServerkey location.
Changing this default can cause iFolder to return error -25 when logging in with the client.
With regard to Microsoft Windows Server 2000 or Windows Server 2003, the systems typically use NT-based permissions. The installation process cannot create a path on a separate drive due to some of the security constraints of NT-based permissions, hence it typically does not work to point the User DB Path to a separate location.
Formerly known as TID# 10099075