Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 7 - ZDM7 Automatic Workstation Import
Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 6.5 - ZDM6.5 Automatic Workstation Import
ERROR: Could not locate the target container
"Could not locate the target container" appears in agent zenwsreg.log
"Could not locate the target container" appears in server ZENWSIMP.LOG
ZENworks Workstation Object does not import
"Could not locate the target container" appears in agent zenwsreg.log
"Could not locate the target container" appears in server ZENWSIMP.LOG
ZENworks Workstation Object does not import
In this instance, the cause of this error is due to an incorrect
configuration of the containment of the user attempting to trigger
the workstation import.
Given the following configuration of the Workstation Import policy in the ZENworks Server Package:
Server Package -> Policies -> General tab -> Properties -> Platforms tab -> General tab -> Location tab -> Allow importing of workstations (checked) -> Create workstation objects in: (User Container) -> Path: (a relative DS path from the user container - in this instance called "ZEN"), there are few ways to fix this error for this particular instance (listed in order of best practice):
1. Create a "ZEN" container under the container where the user attempting the import resides.
2. Modify the Workstation Import policy to remove the optional Path filed that specifies a relative DS path from the user container (i.e., the "ZEN" container).
3. Create another Server Package with an enabled Import Policy inside of the container where the user attempting the import resides, and reference it via a registry key or command line when importing (see KB 10068910).
4. Import the workstation object into a container that complies with the Import policy and then move the imported workstation object to the desired container when necessary.
Given the following configuration of the Workstation Import policy in the ZENworks Server Package:
Server Package -> Policies -> General tab -> Properties -> Platforms tab -> General tab -> Location tab -> Allow importing of workstations (checked) -> Create workstation objects in: (User Container) -> Path: (a relative DS path from the user container - in this instance called "ZEN"), there are few ways to fix this error for this particular instance (listed in order of best practice):
1. Create a "ZEN" container under the container where the user attempting the import resides.
2. Modify the Workstation Import policy to remove the optional Path filed that specifies a relative DS path from the user container (i.e., the "ZEN" container).
3. Create another Server Package with an enabled Import Policy inside of the container where the user attempting the import resides, and reference it via a registry key or command line when importing (see KB 10068910).
4. Import the workstation object into a container that complies with the Import policy and then move the imported workstation object to the desired container when necessary.