Access Manager 504 Gateway time errors accessing Web servers

  • 3453220
  • 11-May-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Access Management 3 Linux Access Gateway
Novell Access Management 3 Netware Access Gateway
Novell Access Manager 3 Interim release 2 applied


Access Gateway setup to front end protected resources. Authentication through the Identity server working fine. After a while, users start reporting '504 gateway timeout' errors on the browser when accessing a specific resource. These gateway timeout errors occur when the back end Web server is either down, or overloaded so that it doesn't respond to requests within a certain timeout (the data read timeout).


The back end Web server was down but administrator had no way of knowing.

The SP1 codebase will include Web server monitoring as part of the health check. If the Web server goes down, the health check will display an error on the Web server status field. It will also be possible to generate an NSure audit alert when this condition happens, although there will be no alert indicating that the Web server has come back up again. Note too that the alert and health check warning will only get triggered when a user tries to access the Web server via the Access Gateway and not necessarely when the Web server has physically gone down.