Users can not be added to a personal group from a shared address book.

  • 3446331
  • 11-Jan-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7


Users can not be added to a personal group from a shared address book.

Users are missing from a personal group.


This is an issue in GroupWise 7 and has been addressed for future versions.
Workaround: Copy users over from the shared address book to a personal address book first, then add them to the group.

Additional Information


1) Have another user share an address book with your user.

2) Create a personal group in your personal address book and add users to it from either one of your own persona address books or the Novell GroupWise Address Book and save the group.

3) Close the address book and reopen it, then edit the group and notice that all users are still there.

4) Edit the Group again, this time add a user from the shared address book and save the group.

5) Now close the address book and open it again, then edit the group and notice that the user is missing from the personal group.

This appears to be a problem with the GroupWise 6 client. I tested this with the Hawthorn client and it worked fine. I also tested it with a Hawthorn backend and a GroupWise 6 client... this failed.

Formerly known as TID# 10077624