Banners won't assign to Printer Agents

  • 3429324
  • 25-Sep-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iPrint for Linux Open Enterprise Server Support Pack 2


After using RUG to update the server's novell-iprint-server RPM to 20070621-1, banner assignments won't stick. iManager will report SUCESS when assigning the banner, but the PsmStatus report will show that the banner is not assigned.

Which iPrint Server RPM is installed?
At a terminal, type:
rpm -qa novell-iprint-server
If novell-iprint-server-5.1.20070621-1 is returned, then the bug described above exists.

What is the PsmStatus report?
- Using a web browser, go to https://[IPaddressPrintServer]/PsmStatus
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, click the "Advanced iPrint Manager Information" button.
- Click the "Generate Report" link
- Check the "Banner" box
- Click the "Generate Report" button
- This report will show which Printer Agents have banners assigned.


Cause:Bug in the June 21, 2007 novell-iprint-server RPM. (novell-iprint-server-5.1.20070621-1)

Resolution: Reported to Engineering

Back rev the RPM to the Nov 9, 2006 version (novell-iprint-server-5.1.20061109-3)
- Download the RPM by clicking here.
- Copy the RPM to the server's /tmp directory
- Type the following at a terminal session
cd /tmp
rpm -Uvh novell-iprint-server-5.1.20061109-3.i586.rpm --force
rcapache2 restart
rcnovell-ipsmd restart
rcnovell-idsd restart


Reported to Engineering