Unable to change "from" when using proxy

  • 3428421
  • 04-Jan-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7.0.1 or higher
Novell GroupWise Remote Client
Novell GroupWise 32 bit Client


When client proxies in to an other user or resource, user can change the name under "from", but after it has been change and have sent the email, the name is the original name of the user in"from", is not the one originally entered. This works correctly with a GroupWise 6.5 Client or the GroupWise 7 Shipping client.

This problem is only associated with the GroupWise 7.0.1 client.


This has been fixed with GroupWise 7.0 Support Pack 3 or later.

Additional Information

Steps to duplicate:

1) Create two users in a given PostOffice: user1 and user2
2) Login into the GroupWise with user2.
3) Give proxy rights, write and read, to user1.
4) Send an email to user1 and change the from to: test1
5) Logout of the GroupWise client as user2 and login to GroupWise client as user1.
6) Open the email you just received from user2. You will see that the from field on the e-mail is set to "test1 (user2)"
7) Via the proxy goto user2 and send an email to user1 and change the from field to: "test2".
8) Go back to the mailbox of user1.
10) Open the email you just received from user2. The from field is showing as "user2" and not as expected, "test2 (user2)".