Novell NetWare 6
Novell NetStorage 1.0.0
Novell NetStorage 1.0.0
This document describes the reinstallation process of NetWare
NetStorage. However, if Zen for Servers is installed, there
will be a conflict between the supplied versions of XTier, which is
the core process for middle tier authentication. If Zen is installed, do NOT reinstall
NetStorage to the same server. The conflicts can cause one or
both products to fail!
- Rename or delete the following directories:
SYS:\XTier - Most configuration for NetStorage is written to the registry of the NetWare 6 server. Therefore after uninstalling and renaming directories the server should be reset by running RESET SERVER at the system console before the product is reinstalled.
- Once the server is restarted, mount the NetWare 6 CD as a volume on the server.
- Go back into the graphical interface/JAVA interface (STARTX).
- Select NOVELL -> INSTALL -> ADD and point to the root of the CD volume when prompted.
- Once the list of products for install are displayed select"CLEAR ALL".
- Follow the screen prompts. Ensure that when prompted for the address of the eDirectory server that either the IP address is used, or a valid DNS entry is used (nothing from the hosts file). Keep in mind that NetStorage does not read the SYS:\ETC\HOSTS file so if unsure just use the IP address.
- Once the installation is complete run RESET SERVER to remove server.exe from memory and force netware to read the registry.
- Test the product.
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10070118