How to configure a mobile server with two GroupWise systems.

  • 3414730
  • 11-Sep-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise Mobile Server


One GroupWise Mobile Server serving two independent GroupWise systems.


This configuration is possible, however, a user auto-discovery option cannot be used.
Here are steps how to configure a mobile server:
  1. From GroupWise Mobile Server start Admin Console.
  2. Expand Intellisync Mobile suite.
  3. View properties of a mobile suite and go in Authentication tab.
  4. Click here on "Authentication Sources", then on "Create GroupWise ...". Give new source a name and configure IP address / DNS name of a POA from second GroupWise system as well as a SOAP port number that is configured for the POA.
  5. Under Profile Settings | Email accelerator | GroupWise create new profile for the second GroupWise system. Provide the same IP address and port like specified in previous step 4.
  6. Under Management | Users create new user. Use the same user name like it exists in the second GroupWise system. During a user creation select from drop-down menu new authentication item from step 4.
  7. Edit properties of the user and click on "Edit Profiles .." button.
  8. Click on Server tab and in "GroupWise" line select the profile from step 5.

If now a user opens a web browser and enters a web PIM interface, he will be navigated to new GW system backend where additional initial configuration user settings are necessary to provide.