Error: The attempt to update the Novell Client Configuration Settings was unsuccessful.

  • 3413405
  • 24-Oct-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Client 4.91 SP2


When attempting to use CUAGENT to upgrade the Novell Client to 4.9SP2, it locates the updates and updates the client, but after the reboot an error appears, "Error: The attempt to update the Novell Client Configuration Settings was unsuccessful."


The cuagent.ini file contains these lines:

; Update specifies whether Novell Client Update Agent
; looks for Novell Client property page updates.
; UnattendFile specifies the name of the configuration (unattend)
; file that contains property page settings.
; This file should be in the same location as the Update Agent.

The unattend file specified in the [ClientSettings] section of the Cuagent.ini file includes a path. The update agent does not allow a path, just a file name. The file must exist in the directory that the Update Agent is trying to update from.