Novell GroupWise WebAccess
Novell GroupWise WebAccess 6.5.X on Linux
Novell GroupWise WebAccess 6.5.X on Netware
When clicking on 'View' on a PowerPoint attachment in webaccess,
only horizontal lines are displayed.
This is working as designed. Webaccess 6.5.X on Netware or
Linux is unable to display vector graphics.
Webaccess 7x on Netware is unable to display vector graphics as well.
Webaccess 7x on Netware is unable to display vector graphics as well.
Webaccess 7x on Linux is able to view vector graphics see below.
GW 7.0.1 Readme states:
On Linux, the third-party viewer software
used by the Viewer Agent has a dependency on libXm.so.1, which might not
be included with your Linux package. To resolve this, create a
symbolic link in the agents lib directory to the
version of the libXm modules that is
available on your Linux server. For example:
ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/libXm.so.3.0.1 /opt/novell/groupwise/ agents/lib/libXm.so.1