Unable to accept received appointments from phone client.

  • 3406057
  • 07-Sep-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise Messaging Server


Accept / Decline options are greyed out when opening received appointment from any phone client.


This is currently working as designed as the Nokia development uses the native email application which has no notion of meetings or meeting acceptance. There is a plan to develop new email app in the next release, that will have the ability to handle meetings.

Additional Information

Steps to duplicate:
1. Use native GroupWise client and send appointment to user A.
2. Login user A mailbox by GroupWise client just to confirm new appointment is present in Inbox.
3. Get any supported mobile phone with Intellisync client installed. Configure connection for a user A mailbox.
4. Sync the phone with a GroupWise mailbox.
5. Go in Inbox and open received appointment. The accept / decline ... options are greyed out. In case of Symbian phones are not present at all.