Creating a customized empty Site Mgmt Sybase database (what is seen from ConsoleOne).

  • 3395209
  • 11-Jun-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks for Servers 3.0.
Novell ZENworks 6.5 Server Management Support Pack 2 - ZSM6.5 SP2
Novell ZENworks 7 Server Management Support Pack 1 - ZSM7 SP1
Novell Management and Monitoring Services.


Creating a customized empty Site Mgmt Sybase database (what is seen from ConsoleOne).


ConsoleOne should not be running (from a local drive or SYS:PUBLIC\MGMT\CONSOLEONE\1.2\BIN\ ) during the ZFS install.
1. a. During the install ZFS 3 Site Mgmt (Site Server), do not start the services on the server.
b. The Sybase database loading (SYS:SYSTEM\MGMTDBS.NCF ) during the install will not cause problems. It may need to be unloaded manually during the install as the install progresses.
c. The Sybase database engine needs to be unloaded when restoring empty databases.
d. Do create an empty database (\MMS\EMPTYDB\ ) when prompted during the install. This is the basic empty database that can be restored.

2. After the ZFS 3 Site Mgmt (Site Server) install but before restarting the server, remark out SLOADER.NCF in the AUTOEXEC.NCF .

3. Restart the server. MGMTDBS.NCF, MWSERVER.NCF, & NETXPLOR.NCF should load when AUTOEXEC.NCF runs. They can be remarked out as well and started manually after the server has been restarted. This is a good way to see what each .NCF loads and what Java processes each start.

4. In the NETEXPLORER CONSOLE UTILITY (NXPCON.NLM) , configure the NLM modules to not load (set to NO ). Also, do steps 6 and 7 of the 'Discovering the Nodes Specified in the file' section (pg. 81, File Based Discovery, Management and Monitoring Services, Administration Guide). Set the Netexplorer 'IP Disocovery' , & 'IP Host Discovery' to NO .

5. Unload Site Mgmt server (UNMW.NCF ) modules. The Sybase engine (DBSRVx.NLM ) should still be running. Run MWSERVER.NCF, NETXPLOR.NCF, & SLOADER.NCF (don't unremark SLOADER.NCF just yet).

6. Load SYS:PUBLIC\MGMT\CONSOLEONE\1.2\BIN\CONSOLEONE.EXE and verify the ATLAS tree can be browsed -- there won't be much to it. Customize the environment as much as possible at this point, compile MIBs , configure Alarms and the Alarm Disposition Table, 3rd Party integrations, etc. There should be no maps to configure or customize. Custom maps may be able to be added. There may be some local customizations in C1 that will not be stored in the database.

7. Right mouse click on the Site Server object and select Properties, Database Administration, and backup the MMS / Site Server database to a new directory that you will need to create (example: \MMS\EMPTYDBCUST ). This will be the custom database files to restore if starting over is needed.

8. Leave the NXP*.NLMs set to 'NO ' and use the DISCNODES.TXT (info in on-line Web docs) to start discovering objects, or configure Netexplorer Discovery in the desired manner and set the NXP*.NLMs to yes and unload ZFS MMS modules (UNMW.NCF ). Restart the modules MGMTDBS.NCF, MWSERVER.NCF, & NETXPLOR.NCF and let them run for at least 15 minutes before starting SLOADER.NCF . The larger the environment is, the longer to wait before running SLOADER.NCF . Running them overnight or over the weekend for large environments would be a good thing. A good guide is that the NXPIP Status: is on cycle 2 or later.

Feedback on the TID is welcome.

Related TID 10085355 'You lose all of your Alarm Configuration in your site when you restore the empty database that was copied to the server during installation.'

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10086393

Change Log

10 Dec 09 Alan Ehlert remove broken link for KB 10085355, change font where needed.