New mailbox items changes are not synchronized anymore.

  • 3391099
  • 28-Aug-2007
  • 10-Dec-2013


Novell GroupWise 7
GroupWise Mobile Server 2.0


GroupWise Mobile Server (GMS) was installed and worked well.
Synchronization between GMS and GroupWise mailboxes was functioning before.
Login in web PIM interface works but cannot get any changes synchronized.
Newly created GMS users can connect and synchronize without problems.
SOAP port on one of post offices was recently changed.


After a SOAP port number was changed on one of the POs, it is necessary to restart GMS services.
Then a user can login via web client in a web PIM interface in his GMS mailbox.
Next click on Settings.
Under Connection Name click on Novell GroupWise.
Since the GMS server detected a change on GroupWise site, the user now can see a notification about old and new settings and get an option "Change Connection". This resolves a communication issue.