Sentinel 6 install fails on Oracle 9i

  • 3388377
  • 17-Oct-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Sentinel 6.0.xx
Oracle 9i


Installing Sentinel 6 on Oracle 9i fails.
Failed to save object due to exception: ViewConfigurationStore: Definition='1
Failed to save object due to exception: MDConfig: Type='FILE' Value='IpToCountry' Data='1
Failed to save object due to exception: Collector: PluginId='833B9970-9A96-1029-9491-000C296CF03B'


Unpacked ojdbc14.jar and discovered it was version Installed later version (10.2.x) of ojdbc14.jar and re-installed Sentinel. Version information can be found in manifest file.
Recommend using the latest version of the JDBC Client for Oracle, which can be downloaded from Oracle. Versions 10.2 and above are backwards-compatible with Oracle 9.x.