Unable to install ZCM to second server in the zone

  • 3386397
  • 24-Feb-2008
  • 21-Jan-2014


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 10
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
Microsoft Windows 2008 Server
Microsoft SQL Server


Unable to install ZCM 10 to second server in the zone.

ERROR:"Unable to get zone information" appears when trying to add a second server to the same zone.

ERROR: "Unable to Contact the Database Server. The database address specified by the parent primary server cannot be resolved by this server"

ERROR: "Unable to contact the database server.  The database address specified by the parent primary server can not be resolved by this server. This usually indicates either a  DNS resolution problem or that the database server could not be reached from this server.  Try specifying your first primary server as the parent of this server."

In one case, the firewall on the SQL Server was configured to only accept requests from specific IP addresses.



To check the enabled protocols for a server, follow these steps:

In SQL Server 2000, start the SQL Server Network Utility (svrnetcn.exe).

On the General tab, select the instance of Microsoft SQL Server on which to load an installed server network library.

Make sure that TCP/IP appears in the Enabled Protocols list.

To find the port number, in the Enabled Protocols list, click TCP/IP, and then click Properties. The Properties dialog box displays the port number.

There is an known bug: SQL Server May Not Listen on TCP/IP Sockets When TCP/IP is the Only Protocol

For the firewall case mentioned above, configure the firewall on the SQL server to accept requests on port 1433 for all primary server IP addresses

Additional Information

To troubleshoot this issue, run the following command on the server where you see the error. This will fail if the connection to the database cannot be made.

telnet <database-server-address> <database-server-port>


telnet example-db.example.com 1433