How to manually link up Cluster resource objects

  • 3382092
  • 26-Jan-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 5


All the volumes associated with cluster pool are not showing up in SBCON when connecting to Virtual NCP server object.
Some of the attribute links seem to be broken.


If you don't have the option of deleting the cluster resource object and all associated objects and recreating them as stated in TID10094555
How to manually add volumes to cluster pool resource.
In this scenario I will be adding a volume named SHARE3a.
There are 4 main objects when dealing with cluster pool resources.
1. Virtual NCP Server object (parent container)
2. Cluster Pool object. (parent container)
3. Cluster volume(s) (parent container)
4. Cluster resource object. (inside Cluster container)
Click on the properties of the Virtual NCP Server object. Click on the Other tab.
In theNCS:Volumesattribute, make sure you add each volume as a new attribute. You may click add and browse to each volume.

Cluster pool object.
Make sure theHost Resource Namepoints to the cluster resource name.
Make sure theHost Serverattribute points to the Virtual NCP Server object
Next click on properties of theVolume Objects.
Make sure they have the nssfsPool attribute and that it points to the correct cluster pool.

Next click on the properties of the cluster resource object inside the cluster container.
Make sure theNCS:NCP Serverattribute points back to theVirtual NCP Serverobject.
Make sure all volumes associated with the pool show up under NCS:Volumes attribute.