GroupWise 7.0.2 or GroupWise 7.0.2 HP1a clients.
Excel documents opened throught the GroupWise client show up blank
with integrations turned on. The GroupWise 7.0.2 client was not
copying the gwxlus.xla file to the correct location.
The integrations have been fixed in GRPWISE.EXE dated 8/10/2007 or newer.
When upgrading from the 7.0.1 or 7.0.1 IR 1 client with this in place the GWXLUS.XLA file will get copied propertly into the c:\novell\groupwise directory.
When upgrading from the 7.0.2 or 7.0.2 HP1a client integrations
for Excel will need to be toggled off then back on for integrations
to work properly. The other option would be to manually copy the
GWXLUS.XLA file from the c:\novell\groupwise directory to the
C:\Documents and Settings\