Checking status of bundle creation process

  • 3365779
  • 07-Nov-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management


ERROR: "Bundle is still being packaged. Please try running Later"
When creating a bundle, there is no way currently to check the process of the bundle process, as it compresses and encrypts files to form the bundle. Trying to launch the bundle before it is ready results in the above error.


To tell if the content of the policy or bundle got replicated go to the details of the policy or bundle, then click on the Content Servers tab. The help is useful on this page. It says this:


"If the status is "Available" that means that the policy is physically on the content server and available for distribution"
Although you cannot monitor the process directly, you can monitor the content location, to be sure that the process is not "stuck"

Monitor /var/opt/novell/zenworks/content-repo/content or c:\programfiles\novell\zenworks\work\content-repo\contenton the server (assuming default locations for files).

On Linux, you can use a file browser or a terminal window to track this process.

The Linux command, du, makes this very easy. Here is an example:
du -hs /var/opt/novell/zenworks/content-repo/content/
"h" makes the total human readable
"s" provides a sum total and does not enumerate any subdirectories.
The content directory under content-repo should grow as the package iscreated because the initial upload is stored in content-repo\tmp