How to uninstall and reinstall iManager 2.5 on NetWare 6.5

  • 3358965
  • 27-Sep-2006
  • 14-Jan-2014


Novell NetWare 6.5 SP2
Novell NetWare 6.5 SP3
Novell NetWare 6.5 SP4
Novell NetWare 6.5 SP5
Novell eDirectory 8.7.3 for NetWare 6.5
Novell iManager 2.5


Upgraded iManager 2.0.2 to 2.5.
How to uninstall and reinstall iManager 2.5 on NetWare 6.5
Failed upgrade from iManager 2.0.2 to iManager 2.5


Below are the steps to uninstall and reinstall iManager 2.5 on NetWare

1.Unload Tomcat by typing TC4STOP at the console. If TC4STOP does not stop tomcat, then you can try JAVA -EXIT to forcefully exit all Java applications on the server.

2.Bring down Apache services - AP2WEBDN.

3.Move the SYS:TOMCAT\4\WEBAPPS\NPS directory off the SYS: volume for backup purposes. This is needed for the last step when the non-core eDirectory plugins will need to be re-installed.

4.Make a backup of then edit the SYS:APACHE2\CONF\HTTPD.CONF file. Remove the last include statement that references iManager.


6.Bring Apache and Tomcat back online. Type the following commands at the console:


Watch the logger screen to ensure ports 9009 and 9010 are listening.

7.Reinstall iManager 2.5 using the NetWare 6.5 SP3 or greater Product CD in the NetWare Console GUI.

Reinstall Non-core Plug-ins

Once a browser is used to access iManager again one will notice that all non-core eDirectory roles are no longer visible. The missing roles on the NetWare 6.5 SPx platform include the following:
Archive, Auditing, Clustering, DHCP, DNS, Netstorage, File Protocols, iFolder, Install\Upgrade, iPrint, Licenses, NetWare Product Usage, Passwords (if password management was installed), Quickfinder, Servers, SMS, Storage and Time Synchronization.

Below are the steps to re-install the non-core eDirectory Plug-ins.

All iManager plugins for Netiq products can be found on and those for Novell products on Once downloaded the plug-ins can be installed individually.

Use the OES CD to reinstall the NPM's.

This is the option to use to install custom plug-ins created within your organization or for products for whom plug-ins did not ship in OES. Login into iManager and select Configure (the helpdesk guy) - Module Installation Role - Available Novell Plug-in Modules. Click on New - Browse to the backup of the main NPS packages directory backed up from Step 3 above (ie., C:\NPS\PACKAGES). Select the appropriate plugin needed for the missing tasks. Once the missing modules are listed - select all then select Install. This will take some time to complete.

Below is a table of npm's to missing tasks. In some cases one nps file will populated multiple roles. In those cases it only needs to be selected once.

Archive Versioning - arkmgmt.npm
Auditing and Logging - naudit.npm
Clusters - ncsmgmt.npm
DHCP - dnsdhcp.npm
DNS - dnsdhcp.npm
File Access - nsadmin.npm
File Protocols - nsadmin.npm
iFolder Management - ifolder.npm
Install and Upgrade - weblook.npm
iPrint - iprint.npm
Licenses - nlsplug.npm
NetWare Product Usage - nlsplug.npm
Passwords (if pw mgt installed) - pwdpolicy.npm
QuickFinder - qfsearch.npm
Servers - servicemanager.npm
SMS - sms.npm
Storage - nsadmin.npm
Time Synchronization - ntptimesync.npm

Axis LPR Gatewayy Configuration - axislpr.npm
Identity Manager - Common Utilities - dirxmlcommon.
FTP - ftpadmin.npm
Health Monitor - hmsplugin.npm
NFS - nfsadmin.npm

2.iManager should now report that the NPM's were successfully installed. Below that should be a yellow icon saying Install roles and tasks now. Click on the link to the right - RBS Configuration. If a number other than 0 is displayed in the Out-of-Date column click on the number link displayed. Select all the modules indicated as Out-of-Date then select Update. Return to the RBS Configuration link at the top of the Page. If a number other than 0 is displayed in the Not-Installed column click on the number link displayed. Select all the modules indicated as Not-Installed then select Install.

3.Bounce both Tomcat and Apache using the following commands on the console:

Other Troubleshooting TIDs: 7006145

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10097073
Formerly known as TID# NOVL101447