Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 32 bit Client
Unable to open attachment from mail.
When opening an PDF acrobat is started but never appears.
The directory %TEMP%\XPGRPWISE is not present.
When opening an PDF acrobat is started but never appears.
The directory %TEMP%\XPGRPWISE is not present.
The has been resolved in GroupWise 7 Support Pack 3 HP1 or later.
You can use the following workaround
When using HTML mails, the problem will not occur with GroupWise 7.0.3 Client.
You can use the following workaround
- Restart the GroupWise client
- Stop in Task Manager the programs started to open the attachments
- Restart the workstation
When using HTML mails, the problem will not occur with GroupWise 7.0.3 Client.
Additional Information
Steps to duplicate:
- Start your GroupWise client.
- Send your self a text-based mail with a PDF attachment.
- Delete the XPGRPWISE directory in your %TEMP% or %TMP%.
- Open the mail send in step 2.
- Double click the attachment to open this.
- Acrobat reader will not start. The attachment should be saved in %TEMP%\XPGRPWISE\ but instead this will be saved in the GroupWise program directory. If you check with Task Manager you will see an acrobat process running.
- If you repeat the same with a HTML mail you will have no problems when using a GroupWise 7.0.3 client.