Error when importing schema file with ndssch.

  • 3341399
  • 24-Jul-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory for Linux
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for Linux


Trying to import file on OES Linux named /usr/share/samba/LDAP/samba-nds.schema which is there by default. Using ndssch which comes with eDirectory and is used to import schema to import file.


The file listed is not an NDS Schema file but is actually and LDIF. Most schema files outside Novell use LDIF for their syntax to stick with standsards that most directories support properly. Because this file is from the Samba Client RPM it is not made to be imported via ndssch. Using ldapmodify works properly.

An example of the ldapmodify command syntax is as follows:
ldapmodify -h -p 389 -D cn=admin,o=novell -w <password> -f /usr/share/samba/LDAP/samba-nds.schema -x -c

Additional Information

testserver-1:/usr/share/samba/LDAP # ndssch -h testserver-1 -t testtree admin.test-ou.test-o samba-nds.schema


Logging into the tree as ""admin.test-ou.test-o Please Wait ...

Extending schema, For more details view schema extension logfile: /var/opt/novell/eDirectory/data/schema.log

An error occurred while modifying the NDS schema for file samba-nds.schema. Error Description: Unknown error 1 (1 hex).

samba-nds.schemaSchema Extension Failed.

Please look for /var/opt/novell/eDirectory/data/schema.log file for more information.

Error in Modify schema

testserver-1:/usr/share/samba/LDAP #

/var/opt/novell/eDirectory/data/schema.log has the following:

Starting schema update for: samba-nds.schema...

Resolving to Master of ServerDN to extend the schema.

Error -306 encountered while parsing schema command file.