"Skipping changelog entry because this change was made by this driver's subscriber channel"

  • 3336038
  • 20-Dec-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager 3.5
LDAP Driver


When trying to sync objects over from an LDAP server to eDirectory, objects were not syncing over and the following error was seen in a trace (level 3) of the driver.
LDAP PT:LDAP: Skipping changelog entry because this change was made by this driver's subscriber channel.
Root Cause: The ldap driver was authenticating as Root to the LDAP server, and the changes are being made as root (see below excerpts from the trace). So loopback was detecting the change as coming from the driver (as Root) and rejecting the change.
Change coming from the LDAP server and error:
objectclass: top
objectclass: changelogentry
objectclass: ibm-changelog
ibm-changeInitiatorsName: CN=ROOT
changetime: 20071219075828
changenumber: 822154
targetdn: uid=bob,o=outside,dc=myco,dc=com
LDAP PT:LDAP: Skipping changelog entry because this change was made by this driver's subscriber channel.
LDAP PT:LDAP: Changelog:
dn: changenumber=822155,cn=changelog
changetype: modify
changes: replace: street
street: 453 Main Street.
Driver authetication information on the Driver startup:


1. Have the Driver Login as a different user so the Driver authentication user and the user making the change in the LDAP server are not the same.
2. Disable Loopback Detection. This should ONLY be done if you are syncing one way or your changes could get in a continuous loop. Edit the properties of the driver and disable loopback detection on the driver (set it to no).