Error 5 access denied when installing eDirectory on Windows 2000

  • 3335311
  • 25-Aug-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory 8.7 for Windows 2000


New install of Novell eDirectory 8.7 for Windows 2000 will not finish.
Error 5 access denied when installing eDirectory on Windows 2000
Workstation shows error 5 access denied installing edir on Windows box.
Error in nierror.log:
Fatal: The core DS component of eDirectory was successfully installed, but the installation cannot communicate with it, which is necessary to complete the installation of the remaining eDirectory components.
Please try reinstalling the product. The C:\Program Files\Common Files\Novell\ni\data\nioutput.txt file will show more details about the problem area. If the problem persists, please contact Novell Support.
The eDirectory installation will now be terminated.
Fatal: The eDirectory installation has terminated abnormally.
Fatal: com.novell.application.install.util.InstallException: The eDirectory installation has terminated abnormally.
at com.novell.application.install.ndsnt.DSInstall.applySettings(
at com.novell.application.install.InstallNode.spApplySettings(
at com.novell.application.install.Driver.doInstallSettings(
at com.novell.application.install.Driver.doInstallSettings(
at com.novell.application.install.Driver.doInstallSettings(
at com.novell.application.install.Driver.doInstallSettings(
at com.novell.application.install.Driver.mainHallway(
at com.novell.application.install.WizardFrame.serviceOnNext(


This is a rights issue. eDirectory must be installed locally and not through RDP. Novell eDirectory runs as SYSTEM so please check that SYSTEM has rights to:

To check this right mouse click on the directory: select Properties: Click on the Security tab and make sure SYSTEM is in the list with full rights; if not add it and give it full rights. Un-install the failed install, clean up the tree of the server objects and re-install eDirectory on the box.

Installing via RDP should be possible on Windows 2003 when using the /console switch with the Microsoft Terminal Services client. This feature is not available in Windows 2000. Start: Run: mstsc /console