Rule executed during startup, generates many emails

  • 3325376
  • 08-Feb-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 32 bit Client


When you generate a rule that should send an email when the Groupwise client is started generates more then 1 email.
The customer is using SP1IR1 and only disabling the rule stops sending messages.
With the SP2 (build 555) I get 16 messages.


This has been resolved in GroupWise 8 or later.

Additional Information

Steps to duplicate:
1) Create a domain with the name DOM1 and a PostOffice PO1
2) Create 2 users: USER1 and USER2
3) Start GroupWise client
4) Go to tools, rules and create a new rule with the following:
- Rule Name: test
- When Event is: Startup
- Add Action: New Item to User2 (add some text in the email)
5) Close the GroupWise client and start it again. Log in as USER1
6) Wait for 1 minute and close the GroupWise client.
7) Start the GroupWise client and login as USER2. You will see that you have received several emails from USER1.