ZDM 6.5 SP2 IR1 Install Error: Unable to determine if ZDM 6.5 is installed

  • 3316619
  • 31-Aug-2006
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 6.5
Novell NetWare 6.5


User is attempting to install ZDM 6.5 SP2 IR1 on the server. The install returns an error saying:
Install is unable to determine if ZDM 6.5 is installed to the server - the problem may be due to administrator rights...."
But, the install is being done by a user with with full rights.


This is an error reported by multiple users. The issue is that the IR1, and most of Novell's Interim Releases, are not cumulative. The SP2 IR1 is intended to be installed on a server already running ZDM 6.5 SP2, and so the installer will fail with this message when it does not detect the correct file versions.