Novell ZENworks
Novell Identity Manager
Novell Identity Manager Bundled Editions
First of all, in the ZENworks 7 w/SP1 Suite media kit (electronic or physical) it's the Identity Manager 3 Bundled Edition that is included. The IDM3 Bundled Edition includes the IDM3 Limited* Engine along with the eDirectory driver, Active Directory driver, NT Domains driver and the Legacy NDS driver.
In the previous (now obsolete) ZENworks 7 Suite media kit (electronic or physical) it was the Nsure Identity Manager 2 Bundled Edition that was included. The NIDM2 Bundled Edition that shipped with ZEN7 included the eDirectory driver, AD driver and NT driver, no Legacy NDS driver.
Before it was blind rev'd, the OES media kit (electronic and physical) shipped with a slightly different version of the Nsure Identity Manager 2 Bundled Edition than was included in the ZENworks 7 Suite media kit. The only difference was the NIDM2 Bundled Edition for OES included the Legacy NDS driver, whereas the NIDM2 Bundled Edition for ZENworks 7 did not.
Now, regarding the Password Self-service or Password Management functionality, it is not included in either the Identity Manager 3 or the Nsure Identity Manager 2 Bundled Editions.
*In the first paragraph above, I made reference to the IDM 3 "Limited" Engine. The IDM engine that ships with the bundled edition of IDM 3 or NIDM 2 is limited in that it only works with the drivers that are included in the bundled editions. This means that you can not purchase separate IDM Integration Modules and have their drivers work with the IDM 3 Bundled Edition ("Limited") engine. In order to use any of the IDM 3 drivers that are not included in the IDM3 Bundled Edition, you must purchase and activate the full Novell Identity Manager 3 product which includes the fully-functional IDM 3 engine.