Novell BorderManager 3.9
Novell BorderManager 3.9 Support Pack 1
When accessing iManager, BorderManager, Proxy Services, application
proxy, http, Logging tab and enable logging, the
profile type only gives the option to select Extended or Common but
not both as it was possible on previous versions.
That is working as designed. The idea behind it was to use Novell
Audit to get common log info but, due to the difficulties to
install and enable Novell Audit to get this info, this feature is back in NBM39SP2 support pack.
Additional Information
As workaround to get both common and extended logging on BM 3.9:
- Set the logging type to 'common' with iManager
- Made a backup config.xml file
- Edit the backup config.xml file so that the enabled attribute of the
extendedlogoptions tag read 1 instead of 0
- Reimport the config.xml file into the server